
Numerix and CubeLogic | Risk Management Post COVID-19: Lessons Learned So Far

This event provided an overview on how Risk Management has changed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Live Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Discussion points:

  • Importance of real-time analytics in a fast-moving market
  • Liquidity risk modelling implication
  • CVA pricing
  • Contingent risks
  • Improvements to stress testing market practice

About the virtual event:
The spread of COVID-19 has caused panic in financial and commodity markets on an unprecedented scale with GDP and fiscal impacts not seen outside of world wars. The impact on risk management has been profound. Modelling assumptions have been found wanting. Risk IT and operational processes have been put under stresses unimaginable only a few months ago.

Additional speakers:

  • Danny DiPaci, Head of Risk Middle Office and Finance, Flow Trader LLC
  • Saadia Mujeeb, PRMIA
  • Tom Wootton, Chief Credit Officer, Credit Suisse

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