Zero-Day Options: Unique Market Dynamics and Risk Considerations

Zero-day-to-expiry (0DTE) options have become a significant and controversial part of the derivatives market – especially as their trading volumes have exploded over the past two years.

To explore the pricing and risk nuances of zero-day options, held a webinar featuring a panel of financial market experts. Download the new white paper to learn the themes that emerged from this insightful discussion, including:

  • The growth and usage of 0DTE options
  • Challenges in modelling their prices and risks
  • Practical risk management issues
  • Whether 0DTE options pose systemic risks to the market



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written blog

Zero Day Options Gain Momentum with New Contract Offerings

on-demand webinar On-Demand Webinar | Zero-day options: ticking time bombs or high alpha trades?

on-demand webinar

On-Demand Solution Webinar | FINCAD Analytics Suite: Real-Time Pricing & Risk of 0DTE Options