The Numerix difference
Quantitative expertise
Understanding complex problems and helping clients solve them is at the core of what Numerix does for clients.

Accurate analytics are critical. We harness cutting-edge techniques to ensure precise, reliable insights in the dynamic world of capital markets.

Tackling the market’s most complex problems with powerful technologies and advanced quantitative modeling.

Trust in your calculations is vital. Our platforms provide maximum flexibility and openness to clients so they understand exactly how numbers are generated.

Capital markets awards that speak for themselves
Cutting-edge industry insights
Trading & risk management software for today’s markets

Derivatives & Fixed Income Analytics
Pricing and risk libraries for OTC and exchange-traded derivatives, fixed income securities, and structured finance products, available in Excel and SDKs for multiple languages.

Front-to-Risk Applications
Enterprise systems providing holistic views across the business, for managing valuations, market risk, counterparty risk, XVAs, OTC trading, regulatory reporting, and more.

Capital Markets Development Platform
Cloud-based IDE connected to pricing and risk analytics, data, Python libraries, and APIs to other services, enabling fast time-to-market for the development of capital markets apps.