Elevate your counterparty risk capabilities

Counterparty credit risk managers often grapple with the complexity of tracking and evaluating exposures in a dynamic market. Older risk systems may not offer the agility needed to adjust to rapid market changes or regulatory updates.

Numerix addresses these challenges by providing advanced analytics that deliver precise risk assessments and near real-time monitoring capabilities. This not only improves your response times but also ensures you maintain regulatory compliance with less effort. Furthermore, our solutions provide a holistic view of risk across all portfolios and counterparties, enabling more strategic decision-making and effective risk mitigation techniques that align with both market conditions and business objectives.

Benefits for counterparty risk managers

Enhance counterparty risk decisions with advanced risk analytics

Access detailed risk metrics and exposure insights so you can proactively mitigate counterparty exposures while complying with regulatory requirements.

  • Track exposures instantly, adapt strategies swiftly

    Near real-time exposure monitoring enables agility and faster mitigative action.

  • Comprehensive measures and accuracy you can trust

    A broad range of exposure measures from battle-tested models gives you the best analytics in the industry.

  • Holistic view of risk across the entire firm

    A unified view across across all counterparties, legal entities, and hierarchies improves your strategic risk decisions.

  • Efficient regulatory compliance

    Manage capital requirements efficiently while meeting evolving regulatory requirements with ease.

Benefits Callout

Products for counterparty risk managers

Oneview for XVA

Oneview for XVA empowers XVA desks to confidently manage counterparty risk exposures, integrate XVAs into deal prices, and execute all trade types.

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