Numerix Counterparty RIsk Research & Insights

FRTB (Fundamental Review of the Trading Book) represents the most significant market risk regulatory change in at...
James Jockle, Chief Marketing Officer of Numerix

I wouldn’t be surprised if some banks see FRTB as a jigsaw...
To Our Readers:

A belated Happy New Year to our Numerix Blog readers, we raise our glass to you – our...
The broad implications of the revised capital framework proposed under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book...
James Jockle, Chief Marketing Officer of Numerix, discusses transformation in banking...
the silicon review | December 2016
While profound changes in business can often present significant challenges,...
FRTB: The Smoking Gun for Legacy Banking Technology
The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) has exposed...
Key contributors from share the results from their inaugural survey on the Basel Committee’s Fundamental...
In the Vol 3 No 2 Issue of the Numerix Journal, we explore curves and curve construction. Interest rate curves...
Chartis RiskTech100® | Category Winner Highlights: Numerix
Numerix achieved 11th overall in the RiskTech100®2017...
