Numerix Counterparty RIsk Research & Insights

XVA Best Practices: Regulatory Drivers, Analytical Challenges & Techniques for Recapturing Profitability...
In this Month's Issue:

On-Demand Webinar: FRTB: “Finalized” but Far from the Finish Line
On-Demand Webinar: Real...
Real World risk metrics, such as Potential Future Exposure (PFE) or Expected Exposure profiles, are heavily used...
Presented at 17th Annual GARP Risk Management Conference | March 2016
This presentation entitled “Current Best...
FRTB: Finalized But Far From The Finish Line
The final text of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) framework was finally published on January 14...
As Numerix embarks on our 20th year in business, there is a huge legacy to look back on and an exciting future...
Risk | January 2016 | by risk editorial team
Numerix Oneview Wins Market Risk Award
The past year has brought...
Risk | December 2015 | by clive davidson
Surgery, instead of plasters
Numerix caps off another banner year of...
Reflecting back on the past year, we’ve once again witnessed another dynamic 12 months full of ongoing change for...
With the new year upon us, the buzz surrounding the finalization of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (...
