Numerix Counterparty RIsk Research & Insights

Institutional Investor | July 27, 2015 | By Jeffrey Kutler
The Tech 50 ranking was compiled with input from...
Hybrid securities are not new; in fact, some of them, such as convertible bonds, have their origin going back more...
IFR | July 18, 2015 | By David Wigan
This article discusses Capital valuation adjustment (known as KVA) and the...
Often in life we hit a point where paths converge, we look back behind us at a dusty beaten trail and forward at a...
Risk | July 8,  2015 | by Clive davidson
​This article discusses how many dealers in structured products have...
Water Technology | July 1, 2015 | By John Brazier
Real-time risk management is a contentious subject and capital... | June 22, 2015 | By Clive Davidson
Managing Data Still Biggest Technology Challenge for Asia Banks
Euromoney | June 3, 2015 | By Paul Golden
This article points out that the forward is the most widely used...
Euromoney | June 2, 2015 | By Rob Hartley
This article discusses the rise of new technologies in APAC to more...
Structured Retail Products | JUNE 2, 2015 | BY Pablo Conde
Numerix Treasurer has been chosen by Cathay United Bank...
