Quantitative R&D Innovations Update
In this new research quantitative experts overcome this significant limitation and develop a new type of neural networks that incorporate large-value asymptotics, when known, allowing explicit control over extrapolation.
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Discover the latest quantitative research and development that is driving new technologies for trading and risk innovation at Numerix. Learn about industry trends in quant research and connect with the Numerix QRD team.
In fall of 2020, Numerix hosted the NEXT Virtual World Tour. This annual user conference is an exclusive opportunity for Numerix clients to network, explore new technologies, exchange ideas, and to learn more about the innovative advances behind Numerix software.
One of the most watched sessions of the event was the Numerix Quantitative Research & Development Roundtable Discussion. In this 30-minute discussion Dr. Serguei Issakov, SVP, Global Head of Quantitative Research and Development leads the team in providing a big picture perspective of QRD’s major accomplishments over the past year. Featuring numerous in-depth quantitative papers on models, methods, and best practices from the leading quantitative minds at Numerix, this session is a must see.
The session will offer insights and commentary across several areas including:
- Fast AD (Algorithmic Differentiation) XVA Greeks
- MVA for non-cleared derivatives based on SIMM margin rules
- Tenor Basis models
- Commodity Andersen model
- New Arbitrage-Free Equity Volatility Surface
- Focus on Jacobian Greeks
- Forthcoming QRD Focus
Featured Speakers

Serguei Issakov, Ph.D.
Dr. Issakov, as Chief Quantitative Officer and Senior Vice President of Global Quantitative Research and Development, oversees the company’s quantitative research globally, including the research of pricing models at Numerix. Since joining Numerix in 1999, his earlier roles at Numerix included Vice President of Financial Applications, Head of Engine Development (the forerunner to Numerix 7) and Head of Risk Analytics.
Prior to joining Numerix, Dr. Issakov held research positions in theoretical physics at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics in Copenhagen, the University of Paris (Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Statistical Models), the University of Oslo and the Center for Advanced Study in Oslo. Before that, he led research on models of brain rhythms at the Medical Radiological Center in Obninsk Russia.
Dr. Issakov has published over 40 papers in mathematics and theoretical physics. He is a co-author of the Issakov-Ouvry-Wu equations in fundamental quantum statistical mechanics. He has received numerous fellowships and research grants, including a NATO Visiting Professorship and grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. He holds PhD in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, from the Theory Group led by Physics Nobel Laureate Vitaly Ginzburg.

Andrew McClelland, Ph.D.
Andrew McClelland’s quantitative research at Numerix focuses on XVA pricing and hedging, generating counterparty credit risk metrics for structured products, and estimating risk model parameters via time-series estimation. He earned his PhD in finance at the Queensland University of Technology for a thesis on financial econometrics. He considered markets exhibiting crash feedback, option pricing for such markets, and parameter estimation for such markets using particle filtering methods. Dr. McClelland’s work has been published in the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Econometrics, and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.