Key benefits

  • Centralized development effort

    Streamlines collaboration between developers and end-users, significantly reducing time-to-market for new financial applications. 

  • Cloud-native architecture

    Leverage the power of cloud computing to maximize performance, elasticity, and scalability, ensuring the applications are both robust and adaptable. 

  • Comprehensive data model

    Utilizes a rich data model and the Python ecosystem, allowing for the rapid construction of powerful models and applications. 

  • Intuitive user interface

    User-friendly interface that simplifies the development and deployment of complex financial applications, enhancing productivity and user experience.

Celent Research: Risk Technology for a Digital World

In a recent Solution Brief, Celent undertook an independent evaluation of Numerix Oneview’s market risk and NxCore offerings. Findings of the report revealed that Numerix technology excels at enabling firms to meet the current and future risk demands of a fast-paced digital world.

Our key difference

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Development Platform

Discover a cloud-native platform that launches financial institutions into the future of capital markets. This platform stands as a catalyst for rapid development, testing, and deployment of financial applications, providing the agility and speed essential for maintaining a competitive edge.

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Reviewing line graphs on screen

Graph Framework

The ultimate value proposition for quant developers, CTOs, and IT professionals within financial institutions, offering unparalleled real-time analytics and data integration.

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Viewing computer screen data.

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