Numerix Journal Vol. 6 No. 1
The Vol 6. No. 1 Issue of the Numerix Journal highlights Numerix's achievements in two areas: the ongoing quantitative research and development which extends the functionality of our products, and the innovative Python-based approach to CrossAsset templates. The issue presents papers on the following topics: multi-curve modeling for tenor basis spreads, a new arbitrage-free parametric volatility surface, and STIRs and OIS futures in the Hull-White model. This journal concludes with an article on next generation python-based templates, and introduces the concept of a CrossAsset worker process.
The Numerix Journal is a periodic publication of research papers, articles, and shorter pieces on quantitative finance and financial software. The goal of the Journal is to serve as a forum for the introduction of new research, modeling methodologies, and presentation of performance and benchmark studies.
TABLE OF CONTENTSEditor's Note PAPERSMulti-Curve Cheyette-Style Models with Lower Bounds on Tenor Basis Spreads A New Arbitrage-Free Parametric Volatility Surface STIRs and OIS Futures in the Hull-White Model FEATURED ARTICLES ON NUMERIX PRODUCTS AND SERVICESNext Generation Python-Based Templates CrossAsset Worker Processes |