
A Competitive Edge in OTC E-Trading

Learn how banks overcome common technology challenges to deliver next-generation market making infrastructure and how solutions like Oneview Graph Framework can help banks develop faster and deliver smarter.

Asset class by asset class, the rapid shift to electronic trading has become a given in OTC derivatives for market makers – especially in fixed income and foreign exchange. The question of “if” and lofty debates about the industry’s future have given way to pressing decisions about when and how. Whether regulation or technology got us here, it will be technology and timing that separate the leaders from the pack, determining who stays in the game and who makes a timely exit.

But while the fastest quote may deliver market share it won’t deliver the margins market makers need to keep desks alive and profitable if the pricing that underlies it isn’t accurate. Delivering the right price first demands timelier and timelier calculations. To be competitive banks need systems that can execute these complex processes and put them at the fingertips of their market makers in near real-time.

Because of that, gaining an early mover advantage is about more than just ramping up processing power, mixing in AI or moving to the cloud. Truly evolved e-trading infrastructure demands technology professionals that know how to put the right combinations of technology into place to develop next-generation trading and risk systems that not only provide first mover advantage today but can continue to evolve with the markets and are flexible enough to deliver that advantage well into the future.

And banks don’t have years, they need their development teams to deliver them now. That’s why our clients have turned to Numerix. Our Oneview Graph Framework is a production-ready development framework that helps development teams accelerate delivery of scalable, event-driven real-time performance for pricing and risk systems.

Our Presenters Discuss:

  • Business Challenges and the Inevitable E-Trading Wave
  • Delivering what the Business Wants – IT Challenges
  • Technology Landscape and How Oneview Graph is Different
  • Oneview Graph Framework Case Study

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